IowaWORKS Workshop Description
Is your business looking to build and grow your own talent? Or want to develop a succession plan from within? Registered Apprenticeship may be the right solution for your business. Attendees will learn more about registered apprenticeship, the 5 components of a program and more information on the process to develop and current financial incentives. You will also hear success stories from current registered apprenticeship programs.
Katie Bahl
Katie Bahl is a business marketing specialist with IowaWORKS, which has centers in Dubuque, Decorah and an outreach office in Postville. IowaWORKS provides state services to individuals for unemployment and career exploration and services for businesses including labor market information and in-office job fairs. In her role, Katie provides assistance to businesses on a wide variety of topics including recruiting talent and utilizing, registered apprenticeship, tax credits, Future Ready Iowa, works closely with the Employers’ Council of Iowa and other state initiatives in an eight-county area, of northeast Iowa, also called Region 1. Prior to her time at IowaWORKS, Katie has worked for non-profits and for-profits alike including Clarke University, Dubuque Main Street and John Deere. In her role, Katie serves on a variety of committees including DubuqueWorks, 10+ Community boards in the region, and is an active Dubuque Jaycee Member. A Dubuque native, Katie grew up on a dairy farm on the city’s west end and thinks ice cream should be a part of every meal. She has a master’s degree in communication from the University of Dubuque and a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication from Clarke University. In her spare time she loves to travel and has been to 14 foreign countries.